Roger Corman directed this tongue-in-cheek story about a gang of crooks who try to swindle a trunk of money away from some Cuban Exiles. Part of their plan involves a fabricated story of a sea monster. Unfortunately the sea monster turns out to be real. You can find out more about Creature From The Haunted Sea at A Passion For Horror.
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October 19, 2013 Subject:
Definitely a wierd and wacky film. Sorta of a blurred film noir in surrealism. Might be the pilot for Gilligans Island. I enjoyed the movie actually because
they took us to the ridiculous but they got some skills. First they filmed underwater, pretty kool. Some were bad as actors while others were pretty good. the monster gave me a good laugh but a monster none the less. This is the beginning of indies and people willing to take chances in the movies. I you have no talent and no writers, but you have a sense of humour, this is the movie.
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October 18, 2013 (edited)
real hoot! Roger Corman film
I really enjoyed this one and really got a good laugh out of it. many totally different elements of the movie are just hilarious. the movie starts out
with a secret agent spoof which is pretty amazing because the movie is from 1961, well before the fad of secret agent movies came in. here's my guarantee: watch this movie if you don't like it I'll give you your money back, including state and federal taxes!
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November 27, 2010 (edited)
Like I said worth watching just for the guy who does the animal impressions..
This print is darker than the other available on Internet Archive..But this is a fun filled flick...especially once they all get to the island...4 stars
for sheer enjoyment..
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October 21, 2010 Subject:
good Corman Cheese
a typical Roger Corman early B - "hey kids, we came in under budget and ahead of schedule! Let's bang out a script, make another movie and have fun in
the sun!" It's a pleasant enough spoof movie, with some winking humour. Monster looks like Homer Simpson covered with seaweed, and told that the actors are tasty - "Mmmmm, ham......" Also can't hear the crook yelling out MANNNNNNGO! without thinking of Chris Kattan in the old SNL sketches :)